Idee Bruschetta

Idee Bruschetta. There are two keys to this recipe. D'origine italienne, ces bruschettas aux tomates, aux champignons et à la mozzarella vont vous faire croustiller et fondre de plaisir à la fois.

Idée repas facile et simple - nos recettes express succulentes
Idée repas facile et simple - nos recettes express succulentes (Gavin Flores)
Bruschetta : le top des recettes italiennes et ses variantes. You can't go wrong with the classic combo of tomatoes, garlic, fresh dill and EVOO. Stir together the diced tomatoes, basil, red onion, olive oil and a pinch of salt together in a mixing bowl until evenly combined.

You can't go wrong with the classic combo of tomatoes, garlic, fresh dill and EVOO.

Add garlic and stir, lightly frying for about a minute, removing before the garlic gets too brown (it can be golden.) Pour into a mixing bowl and allow to cool slightly.

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First, add enough oil and vinegar to your tomatoes to make a good amount of 'sauce' with which to douse the grilled fish and bread. Bruschetta face parte din categoria aperitivelor care pot fi asociate cu o mare sticla de vin. Tartine jambon tomate et fromage de chèvre.

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Henry McGuire

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